Alcohol Awareness & Brief Intervention

“Have a Word” is a brief conversation at a teachable moment to ensure you Make Every Contact Count.

It is literally finding the time to “Have a Word” with someone about their alcohol intake. The course offers a structure for non-specialists to be able to feel comfortable about raising the subject of alcohol, measuring risk and offering information and brief advice or signposting where necessary for additional help.

Who could benefit from the training?

Do you work with individuals in the County Durham area who may be drinking alcohol at levels which may be described as hazardous or harmful to themselves and others?

This training will enable you to support those people you are working with by equipping you with up-to-date advice and information. The training is available to any non-alcohol specialist workers/volunteers within the County Durham area.                            

The training is free and suitable for any non-specialist worker within the County Durham area who may come across alcohol misuse within their day-to-day working life, particularly those involved in health, social care or education.

Aim of the training:

To increase early identification of problematic alcohol use and equip staff to deliver brief interventions to prompt the person to recognise the harm or potential harm which their drinking may cause. To capitalise on a teachable moment, and to reduce the harm from alcohol for individuals, families and communities in County Durham.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify the number of units in alcoholic drinks
  • Outline the harm caused by alcohol
  • Be aware of spiking
  • Use a tool to assess alcohol consumption
  • Deliver Brief Advice aimed at reducing the level of alcohol consumption
  • Know how to refer to services