BITESIZE – Nitrous Oxide Awareness

Nitrous Oxide is the second most commonly used illegal drug among young people. In this course, we look at the risks associated with its use and some brief intervention tools to use to support people in making changes.

Who could benefit from the training?

Do you work with individuals in the County Durham area who are using Nitrous Oxide, or do you want to have a greater understanding of the harm and risks associated with this drug?

This free training will enable you to support those people you are working with by equipping you with up-to-date advice and information. It may be particularly useful to those working with young people.

Aim of the training:

To gain an understanding of what Nitrous Oxide is and to be able to offer some practical advice to anyone who is using this drug.

Learning Objectives:

  • To have an increased awareness of Nitrous Oxide.
  • To gain an understanding of the law, risk and current issues within County Durham
  • To know the potential risks of mixing alcohol with Nitrous Oxide
  • To be aware of the particular risks to young people including physical and mental health, and behaviour issues commonly identified
  • Be aware of some harm reduction advice in relation to Nitrous Oxide
  • Understand the care pathway and referral routes into County Durham Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services