Young people and family services

Young people
We have staff who are specially trained to work with young people, and understand the problems you face.
We can speak to you on a one-to-one basis. We don’t need to tell your family what we’re talking about. If you’re worried about someone who has a drug or alcohol problem, we can give you some guidance too.
Providing one-to-one support to young people and their families around drug and alcohol issues alongside comprehensive group work and events.
Family and friends support
It can be helpful to speak with other people who know what you are going through, and getting help for yourself can put you in a better position to help your loved one.
We offer support to all family members and friends of people who use drugs or alcohol. We can support in confidential one to one sessions, group sessions and also online groups. These sessions provide informal help and support for family members and friends of people who use alcohol and other drugs.
Parents and Carers support – We offer support to parents and carers of children and young people to provide drug and alcohol awareness and an understanding of why some young people use drugs or alcohol.
Children and young people support – We offer support to children and young people who are worried about someone else’s drug or alcohol use (this could be a parent, other family member, carer or friend). We can support with an understanding of why some people use and the effects of substances.