Danny’s Latest Challenge

Our colleague Danny is no stranger to challenges in support of our organisation. Having previously completed challenges like running between each of our centres and tackling 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours, Danny decided to push himself even further this year.
On Thursday, 17 October, Danny embarked on his toughest challenge yet: running the equivalent of 2 marathons (52.4 miles) in just 24 hours to raise funds for the Waythrough Service User Fund—a cause close to his heart. Danny began running in 2018, with the encouragement of a friend of over 44 years. His first-ever fundraising effort was for a cancer charity, in support of another friend. Since then, running has become a source of therapy for him.
The Waythrough Service User Fund provides crucial additional support to the people that we work with. The assistance ranges from providing a sleeping bag to someone in need, to furniture. Contributions from the fund make a significant impact on the wellbeing and recovery of our service users.
When asked why he chose to take on this challenge, Danny shared, “I see my past struggles in anyone who comes through our doors for support. The Service User Fund offers crucial help, something that might seem small to us but is huge to those receiving it. It’s what makes me feel connected to our organisation.”
Despite the physical toll, Danny completed his final run on the morning of Friday 18 October, finishing at Centre for Change, where he was warmly welcomed by colleagues. Though in pain, Danny was already looking ahead. When asked if he would do it again, he said, “As long as I can put one foot in front of the other, I will do it again. The next challenge will be even bigger.”
In total, Danny raised £1,500—more than doubling his original goal of £600. All of the funds will go directly to supporting those in need through the Waythrough Service User Fund.
Reflecting on the experience, Danny expressed gratitude not only for the donations but also for the support he received during the challenge: “I’m thankful for everyone who followed my journey. I think I would have struggled more mentally without that.”