Rough sleeping outreach

Our Rough Sleeper Outreach team work collaboratively with Durham County Council to support people rough sleeping, and the hard-to-reach community in County Durham.
Support provided:
- Supporting people who sleep rough to access services, including signposting to partner agencies
- Supporting people currently accessing our services with access support, particularly those who may be without a safe and secure home or facing eviction
- Developing relationships with partner agencies to improve service delivery overall across County Durham
- Manage a caseload of people who meet the threshold for rough sleeping outreach support
To facilitate this, we work alongside partner agencies including Housing Solutions, CDLA (County Durham Lettings Agency), non-commissioned supported accommodation providers (such as Changing Lives and Jigsaw Recovery Project) and other key partner organisations.
Our team will:
- Be present at regular drop-ins at community-accessible venues, such as Sanctuary 21, and the Reconnect Hub
- Undertake ‘sweeps’ regularly, which involve verifying rough sleepers in the early morning
- Attending meetings with key stakeholders such as accommodation managers to discuss upcoming and recent referrals to Durham County Council for people identified as sleeping rough in County Durham